In other news, that beautiful BB&T Stadium was payed a visit by the famous winning Charlotte team LeadVision. ..To go see the Knights play. A great time was had by all; Warm weather, casual clothing and the first round on the boss! The Knights played against the Redtails, and while this reporter will stay pretty unbiased team-wise, someone got seriously handed before the end of the night. It was an interesting evening to say the least, the most important part of which was that everyone enjoyed themselves to the fullest and had quite a bit of fun. Two employees went so far as to attempt a hazardly delicious and totally unrelated combination of food product from the consessions; A hot dog topped with mac & cheese.
“No seriously, when I asked for a hot dog, she said what would I like on it? Ketchup? Mustard? Or Macaroni & Cheese.”
Rumor has it, that it’s actually not bad.