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David Teifer, Founder and CEO of LeadVision, started the company in April of 2007. Previously Mr. Teifer was working as an investment banker in the Biotech sector; helping companies raise capital and mediating the sale and licensing of clinical-stage and off-patent pharmaceuticals. Through his investment banking experience, Mr. Teifer realized how powerful a tool the internet was becoming in business. In 2004, he decided to leave the Biotech sector and start a new business with two other partners, called Service Network. This would be the first lead business he would be involved in. The business was sold in early 2007 which would provide him the seed money to begin his new venture; which was to become LeadVision.

LeadVision helps connect buyers and sellers. Our goal is to help consumers compare prices on the products they want, while giving service providers the opportunity to win over more business. We intentionally work in markets that are typically hard to locate vendors,  making the service even more valuable. LeadVision is a growing company with over 1,000 partners located in 11 countries. Our main market segments include industrial equipment, home relocation services, home security, solar power, and large animal transport.

  • David Teifer
    David TeiferChief Executive Officer
  • Brooke Kunze
    Brooke KunzeVP Operations
  • Alex Springs
    Alex SpringsVP Revenue Generation
  • Taylor Moore
      Taylor MooreCustomer Service Manager
    • Ariel Black
        Ariel BlackPaid Social Media Manager
      • Jordyn Hengst
          Jordyn HengstAffiliate Manager
        • Evan Stankovits
          Evan StankovitsStrategic Partnership Manager
        • Greg Medici
            Greg MediciSEO Manager
          • TJ Forsythe
              TJ ForsytheEmail Marketing Manager
            • Madelyn Deiulio
                Madelyn DeiulioDigital Marketing Specialist
              • McKenzie Craig
                  McKenzie CraigCustomer Service Specialist
                • Finn Boughner
                    Finn BoughnerSales Executive
                  • John Addison
                      John AddisonSales Executive
                    • Ieuan Tomsett
                        Ieuan TomsettSales Executive
                      • Kenneth Retus
                          Kenneth RetusSales Executive
                        • Danielle Teifer
                            Danielle TeiferTalent Acquisition Coordinator
                          • Sully
                              SullyHead of Security

                            LOOKING FOR A CAREER? WE SEEK:

                            CAPABLE . ENERGETIC . INDIVIDUALS

                            LeadVision is always looking for the best of the best. You may just so happen to fit in with our expanding roster of all-star players. Individuals must be career-minded with extremely high energy. We want loud, creative, unique, often misunderstood, hard-working people. We believe in “organized chaos” and love out-of-the-box thinking. That is what makes us unique.

                            CALL USOFFICE: 704-610-7596
                            LOCATE US121 West Trade Street, Suite 2100
                            Charlotte, NC 28202
                            WRITE USdavid@leadvision.com